CITExpo Direct线上交易平台的部分栏目或功能模块(包括但不限于“展商展品查询”、“展商公司页面”等)中所涉及的公司、产品、联系人等信息(包括但不限于公司名称、联系人、联系方式、产品的描述和说明,相关图片、视频等)均由参展商或采购商自行提供,参展商或采购商依法对其信息承担全部责任。
为向用户(本声明所称“您”或“用户”包括CITExpo Direct线上交易平台参展商、采购商,以及到线上交易平台网站访问、浏览、申请注册账户、登录或使用网站服务的其他主体)提供优质服务,我们将努力确保线上交易平台信息的真实、合法,但我们不对前述由参展商或采购商自行提供的信息的准确性、完整性、合法性、真实性、适用性等承担任何形式的责任。
Disclaimer Statement
All Information of exhibitors and products (including but not limited to "Enterprise Names",
"Contact Persons", "Contact Information", "Product Descriptions and Explanations", "The
Relevant Graphics and Videos", etc.) involved in some columns (such as “Search for Exhibitors
and Products”, “Exhibitor Company Page”, etc ) or functional modules on the CITExpo Direct
Online Trading Platform is all provided by exhibitors at their discretion. Exhibitors or buyers shall
assume full liabilities for such information they post in accordance with laws and regulations.
In order to provide users (“you” or “users” mentioned in the Statement include exhibitors, buyers,
and other entities that visit, browse, apply for a registered account, log in or use the CITExpo
Direct Online Trading Platform) with high quality service, we make great efforts to ensure that the
information on the platform will be authentic and legitimate. However, we will not undertake any
liability of whatsoever forms for the accuracy, integrity, legitimacy, authenticity or applicability of
the aforementioned information provided by exhibitors or buyers themselves.
Exhibitors and Buyers shall independently judge the authenticity, legality and reliability of
the advertisement or promotional information and be independently responsible for the own
judgment. Unless otherwise stated in law, we take no liability for any consultation or transaction
brought by such advertising or promotional information or any loss or damage caused by
the foregoing.